

With all this talk of exercise and eating healthy. Let’s talk about newbies’ number one complaint when exercising, getting sore. Yes its uncomfotable, and sometimes painful but it doesn’t last forever. Let’s look at what’s happening in the body and what we can do to alliviate the discomfort.

The correct term is “Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness” (DOMS).  Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is understood to be caused by microfractures in the muscle cells themselves. This happens when you do some activity that your muscles aren’t used to doing or do it in a much more strenuous way than they are used to.

This is also why after you exercise some specific way a few times and allow your muscles to recover, that you won’t typically get sore again from doing that activity at a similar intensity level, so long as you continue to do it on a somewhat regular bases.  The muscles quickly adapt to being able to handle new activities so as to avoid further damage in the future; this is known as the “repeated-bout effect”.  When this happens, the microfractures typically won’t develop unless you change your activity in some substantial way.  As a general rule, as long as the change to the exercise is under 10% of what you normally do, you won’t experience DOMS as a result of the activity.

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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