Welcome to day 1. Today we start with a clean slate. EVERYTHING is erased. So let’s get started. The first thing we have to do is restructure our life. The new order of importance goes God, family, job, health. There is no room for ANYTHING else until these obligations are met. What does this mean? This means you have no favorite t.v. show, no favorite bar to hang out at, no time for video games, not even a favorite book to read, until these obligations are met. Your priority is not to find out what Olivia Pope is wearing. You have no favorite team. It doesn’t even matter what time the game comes on. If you don’t call off work, you don’t skip exercise. Therefore your first order of business is choosing what activity you want to participate in. The only rules are it has to incorporate resistance training (upper-body and lowerbody) and cardio. One hour at the most. I choose exercises that combine both. I will post the 30,20,10 challenge for anyone that doesn’t have a workout already.

Let’s focus on detox. I’ve been doing some research on detoxing and why we need it. Because of the unnatural foods we eat, we ingest a great deal of toxins (things on the ingredient list that didn’t come from the garden). Our bodies have two ways of dealing with these toxins. Coat them in mucus or store them in fat since most of them are fat soluble. For this reason the body may not want to loose fat. If you force the body to burn fat, you will release those bound up toxins to do damage. The first two detox foods are parsley and cilantro. Parsley is responsible for cleaning your entire blood supply, it also freshens breath. Cilantro binds to heavy metals like mercury, which can be found in the fish we eat. Put these foods on your grocery list. Notice I’m not telling you to buy a box of detox off the shelf. There will be more items to add to your list later…..baby steps. Drink 24oz of room temperature water and I’ll see you back here later.

~ its about what YOU see in the mirror~



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