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Did you start your workout yet?  Have you changed your diet? Do you feel that its hard to  live an active lifestyle after being sedentary for so long? Do you feel that you will never get eating healthy down packed? Do you feel like your goal was too far fetched? The one thing I know about training and counsling is ATTITUDE is one of the most important weapons you can have in your aresenal. I often used to ask myself, why is giving up so easy? Why is it so easy to give in? Why is it easier to do negative than positive? When I am confronted with unmotivated people, I keep the answer to these questions in mind. One of the first things I tell new Fitness Freaks is that once you decide to make a positive change in your life, EVERY reason possible will rear its ugly head to deter you from your goal. How do you overcome this?

at·ti·tude: noun

a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.

Every negative situation, every negative person, every negative thought should be met with the ATTITUDE that reflects your deepest desire. You started on this journey because you wanted to change. Your life, up until this point has accommidated what you no longer desire. So what do you think is going to happen once you decide to change? Opposition.  And what do we fight opposition with?……. ATTITUDE! I won’t give up! I won’t give in!  I won’t quite! I do still want this! This is tough but I am tougher! I won’t look for the excuse, but the solution! I won’t look for the way around, but the way through! We ALL started with a day1, and don’t think every day after that has been consecutive. There has been bumps in the road and side tracks, and but progress has always been the goal. God didn’t make any of us perfect, therefore our journey won’t be perfect.  Keep this in mind when you feel like this healthy life wasn’t meant for you. Remind yourself over and over that…………..

~its about what YOU see in the mirror~

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